It’s important to make sure that you get the right recovery set-up for your cat at home. It’s hard for your cat, too, you know? If you’re a cat owner, then you don’t have a lot to worry about. Most felines would probably only need neutering and spaying for their surgery. But, sometimes, you get unlucky, and your pets need surgery for health complications. In fact, the most common surgeries that are being done on felines other than the spaying and neutering are removal of skin mass and various lumps.
Regardless of what kind of surgery your cat gets, it’s important to prepare a post-op environment for her fast recovery. In this article, we will explore some of the ways that you can take care of your pet after surgery. We will list down some of the ways that you can restrict the movement of your cat for better recovery. We will list down some of the ways that coping with a recovering pet would be less stressful on your part.
Talk to your vet
You should make sure that you understand all the instructions from your doctor. Any pre-surgical requirements from your doctor should be followed. Some of these requirements include restriction on food and taking them away from the felines before surgery. You should also ask your doctor for what the recovery would be like. Setting your expectations straight would lessen your stress.
You should also ask your doctor if you need to put your pet in the vet hospital first. Most of the doctors today send the felines home, but some of them would ask that the cats stay for the night first. You should also not forget to ask your vet about how to give the medication to the cats. Let the vet indicate the date, the times and other important information on how to give the antibiotics to your cat. You should put that list on a piece of paper for easier recall. You should remind yourself of that when you get home. Don’t ever forget that.
Financial Plan
Never underestimate the costs of your vet. They could be a lot. You could get a sticker shock for the amount you’re about to pay for the post-surgery needs. Arrange a good plan with your vet, so you don’t get surprised of the bill. Before you get surgery, you can also ask your vet about the entire total cost. It’s advantageous if you have an insurance for your pet.
Quiet Place
Provide a safe and quiet place for your cat. Your cat may still be a bit nauseated after the surgery. Putting your feline in a room that won’t wake it up will be healthy and increase its recovery rate. Don’t give the entire house for her to enjoy. She may hit its stitches and ruin it. It would also help to put a blanket over your pet. Putting the cat litter near to where she sleeps would also be a help.
Keeping an eye on stitches
You should be able to watch over your feline all the time. Make sure that you don’t let her touch the incision. Find a way that your cat won’t chew out the stitches. Although licking is a good way to heal naturally, you should call the cat out if the scratching proves to be too much. If you think that the scratching is too abrasive for the stitches, you may need to put an Elizabethan collar, which is also known as the Dunce Cone.
Summary and Conclusion
With this article, you learned some of the easy ways that you could promote faster healing for your pet after surgery. We hope you found great value in the article! Should you have any questions, just call us at UVC – 203 957-3375.